How To Select The Best Suit

For anyone starting their career, the suit is the first thing that people notice. It shows professionalism, seriousness and trustworthiness. The suit is also a timeless investment and will serve you well no matter what occupation you decide to pursue. But how do you go about picking out the perfect suit that not only fits but also feels good on your body?

Well, for starters, it is important to understand the different kinds of suits, how they can be categorized and how you should go about buying them. Here are four ways to buy the best suit that will not only look great on your body but will also improve your professional image.

1. Buy suits based on your body shape

Given that body shape determines the way we dress, it is important to know what kind of shape you’re in before buying a new suit. The first thing you need is a mirror to see your physical characteristics whether it be height, weight or hip-to-waist ratio and after that a good tailor should fit you with the perfect clothing and then do some minor alterations.

A good tailor will not only help you find a suit that fits your body shape, but just as important that suits your personality as well. They will know how to get the best look for you by understanding what clothes you like to wear and which ones reflect your personal style and beliefs.

2. Buy suits with specifically tailored features

The difference between a suit tailored by a good tailor, and one bought from a department store or mall shop is that the former can fit you perfectly and make any necessary substitutions depending on your needs.

For instance, if you are a larger person but your body shape is symmetrical i.e. the same on both sides, then your tailor can get rid of any unnecessary bulges around the waist or in the hip area and place the pants to fit you better and give you the perfect appearance. The proportions in which they are made will also determine how they fit you while still looking good on your body.

3. Buy suits from trusted brands

There are many reputable brands that provide great quality at reasonable costs. When buying suits, particularly from well known companies or stores, you know that you are buying a product that is durable and good-looking. In addition, reputable brands will ensure their products have been well made and will be able to give the buyer a better return on investment.

4. Do not buy suits that are too tight or too loose

It is also important to ensure that any suit you buy is fitted to you and does not get too big or too small when you wear it. This can be a problem when buying suits from department stores and malls because they do not always have the best tailors and have their own “normal” measurements that are different from those of normal people. In fact, some individuals actually like the fit of their clothes to be a little on the loose side, so if yours are just right, do not alter it.


While you should certainly take into account how the suit looks on your body and how it fits, at the end of the day you should also do your own research and make sure it is a suit that will fit your personal style and serve you well. And don’t forget to consider both the cut of the suit as well as its color. It’s also important to check the materials used in the suit and make sure that they are of good quality so that you can enjoy wearing it for a long time.